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Impending Reprisals Page 7

  He squeezed her tight but quickly released her. With a gruff-sounding clear of his throat, he held her back and set his jaw.

  Anya glanced over his shoulder and saw Merivic as he walked into the garden. “My escort is here.”

  Her father straightened his back while taking her arm, then turned, leading her to her future.

  Merivic met them halfway, his eyes swimming over the gorgeous woman he would be spending the evening with before examining her stern-faced father for a hint as to what the night might bring. However, Chiberus was as unreadable as a rock.

  Surely he would give me some sort of an indication as to what her decision is, Merivic thought. Of course, that is only if she told him of her intentions.

  Merivic rubbed the back of his neck as he approached, then attempted to clear his head of any conjectures so he could simply enjoy the night.

  “Weapons Master Chiberus. Anya.” He nodded to each as he addressed them.

  “Lord Merivic.” Chiberus’ tone was as impenetrable as his expression. “I leave my daughter in your care.” He bowed slightly, then released Anya and strode out of the garden.

  “Anya, you are a vision.” Merivic took her hand and bent low to kiss it. “Might I take your wrap for you?”

  “That would be wonderful,” Anya replied, curious and just a little fearful as to what his reaction to her gown would be.

  He slipped behind her and he eased the satin shawl down her shoulders, the silky material caressing her skin as he lifted it away. Before she could turn around, she felt Merivic’s soft lips press against the nape of her neck, under the mass of piled hair. His warm breath tickling as it breezed through several loose tendrils. A shiver ran up her spine as he pulled away, both from the physical sensation and the emotional implications.

  She slowly turned, her eyes glued to his as he held her hand high, his gaze drifting over her. His eyes widened slightly and averted as they traveled down, then jumped straight up to her face as he lowered her arm.

  His voice was tight and controlled. “You are gorgeous, Anya, as always.”

  “Thank you.” She glanced down to make sure she was decent—she felt so exposed!—and then smiled at Merivic as he purposely looked away, worrying the back of his neck again. “So…”

  Merivic returned his attention to Anya. It seemed he was using caution as to where he allowed his gaze to fall. “Yes?”

  “I suppose there is something you would like to discuss—something I should tell you.” The butterflies in her stomach broke free and bounced about, working their way into her chest.

  His lips curved as he held up his hand. “Wait. Tell me after the ball. Let us enjoy each other’s company this night.” Merivic took her arm and looped it around his own, pulling her close to his side. He gently kissed the top of her head as he led her into the hall. Leaning down to her ear, he murmured, “Besides, if begging and pleading is to be involved on my part, I do not wish to have such a grand audience.” He tipped his chin at the crowd of guests.

  Relief flooded Anya as she giggled, and Merivic winked with an easy grin. It was as if he could sense her nerves and chose to give her the space and time she required to gather her courage. And it meant more to her than she could rightfully explain. Adoration swelled within as he spun her out wide and pulled her back into his embrace, and they began to dance.

  Oh, yes, she thought, giddy with excitement and budding young love. My heart wants what it wants, and it has chosen well.


  Instead of sending Anya to the garden, Merivic had her accompany him as he bid farewell to his guests. Each patron offered a cordial nod as she stood to the side and just behind him, but no one addressed her directly. Though they were uncertain of her role, it seemed they would all be sure to discuss it at great length once they had departed. Anya thought it all to be such a thrill, to be the source of people’s curiosity and envy. It made her feel mysterious—the sensation a little bit seductive—as they eyed her suspiciously, with questions in their eyes.

  Merivic could not blame his guests’ wandering gaze, staring more at the beauty behind him than at himself. She was a goddess this night in her deep emerald gown, complimenting the brightness in her eyes perfectly, and contrasting beautifully with the deep auburn hair piled in scattered curls above the base of her neck.

  He felt flushed as he pictured her in his mind, a safer endeavor than to glance back at the woman herself. It had been nearly painful during their dances to continually keep his eyes averted from the curve of her neck and the curl of her collarbone, fully well knowing where they would draw his gaze. She was a test to his willpower to be sure, and he decided right then and there that he would procure her wrap on their way back to the garden. He did not want to offend her further with an unintentional slip of his gaze, fairly sure he may not be able to look away should it happen.

  After the last guest departed, Merivic turned to Anya with a smile. “Shall we retire to the garden?”

  She nodded and took his arm, falling into step beside him. “I believe this has been the best masquerade ball you have hosted yet.” She laid her mask on a table as they stopped to pick up a bottle of wine and a couple of glasses.

  Merivic looked to a servant on the other side of table. “The lady will need her wrap.”

  “Very well, My Lord.” He nodded and rushed off.

  Anya arched a brow. “You are escorting me home now?”

  “No. I do not wish you to get a chill,” he clarified.

  She suddenly understand why he wanted her to cover up, and her eyes gleamed wickedly. “But it is a warm night.” She pressed against his side with a little wiggle as she looked up at him from underneath her long, thick lashes.

  Merivic’s eyes darted as he spoke with a strained voice. “The wind gusts can be quite strong.” The servant returned with the shawl and Merivic wrapped it around her shoulders. “I am happy you enjoyed yourself tonight. It was my sole endeavor this evening.” He gestured to the garden door with the wine bottle in his hand. “Shall we?”

  “Certainly.” Anya walked ahead, letting the wrap fall a measure down her shoulders, but not so much that Merivic would readily notice. As they wandered to their favorite bench at the back of the garden, she let it slip little by little. And while they sat, she brought it down even further.

  Merivic filled a glass with wine, and handed it to Anya without a glance in her direction. He then filled the other before setting the bottle on the ground. Merivic twisted toward Anya to propose a toast, but the words got stuck in his suddenly dry throat.

  Somehow Anya’s wrap had fallen off her shoulders and, although she held it closed in the front, it hugged well below her full breasts. It felt as if he had been staring forever, although in all reality it was surely only a glance. But in the moment before he tore his eyes away, the image of her round breasts pushed high in the bodice of her gown was seared into his mind.

  “I…um…” He focused on the red wine lazily sloshing in his glass.

  “Is something the matter, Merivic?” Anya’s tone was light and teasing, but Merivic was so distracted he missed it completely.

  “I wanted…” He fumbled for his words as he tried to concentrate on what he was going to say, and then dimly realized she had asked him something—although he could not be sure. “What?”

  Anya took a sip of her wine as she leaned closer, her lips curving as his whole body tensed.

  “Could you tell me about Decessus? What is it like?”

  “Certainly.” He squirmed where he sat, wanting to create a distance between them, but wishing to move closer as well. In the end, he ended up in the same position as when he started his internal struggle. “What would you like to know? You already know of the arrangement.”

  “How far away is it?”

  “It is a fortnight of traveling, but through beautiful countrysides.”

  “Is it a flat land, or rolling hills?”

  “It is nestled at the base of a mountain, and to the side of
the ocean. So lots of foothills inland, and cliffs on the water’s edge. The temperate is constant year round, which also means the vegetation and flowers are as well. It is a very lush land, very fertile and prosperous.”

  Anya eased closer as she took another sip, enjoying the tingle of nerves that seemed to jump straight off his skin and shocked her with little zaps of longing. “It sounds beautiful.”

  “It can be.”

  “Is it very dangerous there, with all the trouble your kingdom has been having?”

  Merivic shrugged as he continued staring at his wine. “It is manageable.”

  “How do you keep up with everything when the kingdom is spread so far?” Anya placed a hand lightly on his arm and squeezed it.

  The contact caused him to look toward her, his gaze momentarily drawn to her breasts before averting again. “I have couriers traversing the territories, so I am well able to keep abreast of the situation.” Merivic’s eyes grew wide in horror as he scrambled to rephrase his response.

  Anya burst out into a laugh, finding it insanely charming and delightful. “Please, do not stress yourself further. I understand it was a simple slip.”

  “I must say, Anya... I do apologize for the gown.” Merivic shook his head as he tugged her wrap up. “I did not realize… I simply picked it for the color.”

  “You did this to me?”

  He nodded, sheepishly. “I am afraid so. Can you forgive me?”

  Anya thought about how off balance and nervous it had made him, and how desirable it caused her to feel in return. “You are forgiven. I believe you have suffered right along with me.”

  “The rest had always fit well, I...” He shrugged, at a loss for words.

  “The rest?”

  “Each ball—except for the first, of course—I had a dress delivered for you. Your father accepted them on your behalf, for I expressed that I did not want you to know who they came from.” He smiled as swept a stray strand of hair from her cheek. “I wanted to do something special for you. After all, it was the least I could do for what I received in return.”

  “And what was that?”

  “Your presence.”

  Merivic leaned in and brushed his lips against her forehead before retreating. Anya’s heart melted and she caught his face in her hands, bringing her mouth closer to his.

  “I am so going to enjoy our life together,” she whispered, lightly kissing him.

  She felt his mouth lift into a smile. “Does that mean you accept my proposal?”

  “Hmm.” She kissed him again. “It does.”

  Anya suddenly found herself pulled close, Merivic arms banding around her as his mouth eagerly sought hers. She issued a soft moan as she slipped deeper into the kiss, hyper-aware of every sensation coursing through her body—her chest pressed into his, his hands traveling down her ribs and grazing the side of her breasts before fisting at her waist, his tongue dancing and stroking against hers. It was a dizzying kiss of passion and urges, happiness and celebration, all lumped into one.

  It was overwhelming to be cherished so.

  Chapter 10

  Anya looked around her room and wondered how long it would be before she ever saw it again. She felt a pang of sorrow as her mind raced through her various childhood memories—creating fairy tales with Sedalene before she was made to go to bed, her father chasing her around the room when she refused to turn in, and curling with Tajvek when nightmares would awaken her. But it was the memories as a young woman that caused the deepest ache—Kael throwing pebbles at her window simply to wave at her before running off into the night, cuddling with the blanket Merivic had given her as thoughts of the lord consumed her, and yearning to find her way to a future full of love, happiness, and desires.

  She held out her left hand and looked down at the ring glistening on her slender finger, knowing the road before her was no longer obscured. She was going to be married—soon. But first, she had to let go and say goodbye to everything she had ever known. To face her brave new future, she had to say farewell to her past.

  Anya lazily drifted around the room, trailing her fingers across the back of the chair at her vanity, the bronzed knobs of her wardrobe closet, the worn spindles of her bed. She grabbed the blanket Merivic had given her and held it to her face, nuzzling it against her cheek as she wandered to her window and stared at the ocean in the distance.

  What would the view be like in Decessus? she wondered, wishing she could bring this familiar landscape with her. Would it be as spectacular and breathtaking as this one, or simply be one more thing to adjust to?

  Looking down at her ring again, Anya’s heart filled with hope and a blossoming love.

  It did not matter what the view is, she decided. Whatever I leave behind in Liberwood will be well worth the sacrifice for what I will receive in return—Merivic.

  Sedalene came into the room and stood quiet for a moment, watching Anya stare dreamily out the window. It did her heart well to see her so hopeful, so happy. Oh, how she would miss this girl.

  Swallowing back her tears, Sedalene cleared her throat, pulling forth Anya’s attention. “Are you sure you do not want me to accompany you?” she asked for perhaps the tenth time that day.

  “It is all right, Seda. It was sweet Merivic thought to include you, but I want you to stay with Father. You are all he has left now.”

  “Who will care for you and attend to your needs?”

  “Merivic has assured me he has people in place for that. Besides, Seda, you have raised me well. There is not much I ask of others to do for me.”

  “This is true,” Sedalene conceded. “I only wish you did not have to leave so soon.”

  “It was a shock to me as well, but Merivic insists this is the best way…for our safety.”

  “Yes, but did it have to be immediately? You only accepted his proposal last night. I need more time to say goodbye.”

  “Seda,” Anya lamented. “Please, do not.”

  Her nanny straightened her back and held her head firm. “I know, my child. I will be well, and I do understand the reasons behind your quick departure.” She sat at the end of the bed and patted the mattress, indicating Anya should join her. “It was startling, is all.”

  Anya sunk down next to her. “I must live with him until the wedding. With all the disruptions in his kingdom, he would constantly fear for my safety if I were not with him.”

  “Did you know he could not ascend unless he was married first?”

  “No, he never mentioned it. He merely stated there were fulfillments he was required to meet before he would be considered for the throne.”

  “And he believes his enemies would harm you to stop the wedding?”

  “That is his greatest fear,” Anya murmured, remembering the combination of rage and pain in his eyes as he had explained everything to her.

  “He loves you so. You made the right choice, Anya.”

  “Yes, I believe I did. But I will miss you and Father so much, even Liberwood itself. Such memories I have here.”

  “But we will see you at the wedding. Spring is not so far away—only two short seasons.” Sedalene leaned her head onto Anya’s shoulder as she gave a quick squeeze. Certain she would burst into tears if she did not immediately pull back, she let go. “Now, let us see this ring again, shall we?”

  Anya giggled and held out her hand before her. Sedalene held her wrist to angle the sparkling gem in the light, shifting it to and fro, watching the colors glow from within.

  “Just look at it, Anya. It is absolutely mesmerizing!”

  Anya smiled proudly. “Merivic says it has been in his family for centuries. Different ring settings, of course, but the stone remains the same. Do you see how straight on it looks clear? But if I tilt it this way, it begins to look like a ruby. And this way, a sapphire.” She moved her hand down a measure. “And from this angle—”

  “An amethyst,” Sedalene breathed, staring hard at the stone. “That is my favorite, you know.”

, I know.” Anya chuckled as she slipped off the ring and flipped it over. “And then there is this.” She pointed out a symbol etched into the back of the stone, visible through the hollowed setting.

  Sedalene squinted. “What does it mean?”

  “It has a combination of meanings. It symbolizes fate, eternity, power…” Anya bit her lip as she tried to remember what Merivic had said. “Oh, destiny and trust.”

  “It is beautiful, Anya, and you deserve it, as well as everything it represents.”

  “Thank you, Seda.”

  “Well, I suppose it is time for you to go. Merivic and his men are waiting for you in front of the manor. Quite a contingency of guards arrived this morning to escort you back to Decessus. I certainly will not worry about you while you are with this man.”

  Anya laughed and wrapped Sedalene into a great hug. “I am sure it is standard for any lordship on a long journey. But, yes, Merivic will always ensure I am safe. I have no doubt.”

  “Such a life you will have, my child.” Sedalene began tearing up.

  Afraid she would succumb to tears herself, Anya pulled away. “Well,” she stated as she held her chin high. “I suppose I best be on my way to starting that life, would you not agree?”

  “Absolutely. Let us go find your betrothed.”

  Anya’s lips curved into a smile.

  Yes, she thought, and the embodiment of my future.


  Anya looked out the carriage window at the lush green hills rolling in the distance. She was not so far from Liberwood as of yet, and already the landscape had begun to change. Of course, it may simply be a trick to the eyes of the beholder—knowing she faced an enigmatic life with Merivic, would she not view all her surroundings as new and unfamiliar?

  She let loose a heavy sigh as she studied the wagon ahead of her, then the crowd of soldiers to either side. Anya was well aware the caravan stretched out far behind her carriage—wagons full of supplies for the long arduous journey to Decessus, as well as those full of guards on rest from the protection detail.

  To provide herself a much needed distraction, she studied the soldiers one-by-one. Merivic was in their ranks somewhere, but he blended as he now looked like all the rest—shorn hair, shadow of a beard, worn, navy uniform with a chainmail vest. She might search for the glint of his jeweled hilt, but he had substituted it for a weapon with a simple black handle, again, the same as the rest of the men.