Impending Reprisals Page 5
She snaked her hands up his chest to encircle his neck, causing a quiver to settle through his shoulders as she bravely sought out his mouth. He deepened the kiss as they eagerly explored each other, their tongues twisting and dancing together in a heated dance of imprisoned passion and restrained longing. She pulled herself closer as she tightened her grip, lost in the sensations the kiss had to offer and senseless in her quest to discover more.
Lord Merivic felt as if he would melt when she pressed against him, unsure he would be able to smother the simmering fire she was igniting within. Her body trembled as he tugged her bottom lip with his teeth, and he nearly lost control.
A flash of clarity slashed through his mind as he came to the realization of how much he wanted this woman, and he loosened his hold on her hair to ease his hands to her shoulders. Slowing the kiss, Lord Merivic leaned back until they broke away from each other.
Anya’s heart hammered as her cheeks warmed. She dropped her hands to her lap, baffled as to how a simple soothing gesture had grown into something altogether different, and entirely compelling. While she was embarrassed by her behavior, she also felt a sort of awe, for she never thought she would feel this way again; to want someone, and be wanted in return.
Lord Merivic rubbed his hand on the back of his neck, his tone husky as he apologized, “I should not have let it go so far. Will you please forgive me?”
Anya leaned her head to the side as she studied him, and was taken aback by what she could see, how well she could read him already. The tone of his voice spoke to his pent up frustrations, the sparkle in his eyes relaying an eager passion, and the rubbing of his neck showed how nervous he was. He felt guilt for their embrace while he simultaneously wished to continue it.
She smiled gently with the knowledge that she felt exactly the same way. “There is nothing to forgive. I also let it go too far.”
“You are too kind, Miss Anya.” His mouth curled into a smile as he stood and held out his hand. “I should take you home.”
Anya’s lip slipped out into an unintentional pout as she took his hand.
Lord Merivic chuckled and nudged at it with his finger. “You best be careful with that.”
She bit her lip as she attempted to translate his meaning.
“And that.” He gestured to her mouth again. “You continue drawing my attention to those lips. No man should be expected to have the strength to resist you.”
Anya laughed in delight and squeezed his hand, still giddy from their embrace. Leaning forward, she brushed her mouth against his and retreated in the same swift movement. “There. You did not need to resist after all.”
He shook his head as he ran his hand against the nape of his neck, and issued what could only be described as a laugh, moan, and sigh combined into one. He did not yet know where her brazenness had come from, or what it meant. But he could not have been more pleased.
Chapter 7
Anya issued a heavy sigh as she nestled into her tiger’s side, studying the clouds drifting with no purpose across the sky. Her wistful mind compared herself to the billowy masses; no direction, no discernible choices to be had, nothing to do but float along wherever life may take her.
“What do you think, Taj? Do you think it means something?”
She and Lord Merivic were to spend the day together, but his errand boy arrived in his stead with a message stating the good lordship was unavoidably detained and would call on her in the coming days.
She could not help but give into her insecurities and wonder if her forthright manner in the courtyard had turned him away from her. Perhaps he did not find her forwardness as appealing as she had believed.
Oh, but the kiss, the embrace. It felt so natural at the time, as all their past moments had. But it seemed whenever she was away from Lord Merivic, she began to question herself, and her loyalties. Anya still intended to seek out Kael, although only after she confirmed he wanted her. But her time with Lord Merivic caused her to doubt much.
It had been quite some time since she had laid eyes on Kael, and wondered how much he had changed. And what changes, she pondered further, would he see in me as well?
Anya never before questioned her love for Kael, and she did not question it now. But she lacked confidence as to whether or not they were truly meant to be together as she had once believed with every beat of her heart. After all, could she find passion and hunger in the arms of Lord Merivic if she was indeed meant to be with another?
Of course, Lord Merivic would be leaving soon, so she would no longer have to worry about his presence in the mix, but it gave her no solutions as to where her future with Kael led…if anywhere.
Anya’s stomach knotted as she finally pushed Kael out of her thoughts to concentrate on Lord Merivic.
He was the present, she tried convincing herself, and perhaps that was what she should be focusing on—what was here rather than what could be. However, the logic made no sense either considering the lordship’s impending departure.
Tajvek grumbled under her, sensing her frustrations.
“Easy, boy. All will be well. Eventually.”
She had to believe that, to know she would one day find a man to love who would want her in return, to feel her blood burn as when Kael had kissed her, or the delicious tingle humming through her body as when Lord Merivic did. Someone to cherish her, and never leave.
Anya closed her eyes and tried to erase it all from her mind. She knew there was nothing she could do past the choices laying before her, and the only choice she currently had was to wait and see what life brought.
It was not long before she drifted off into a peaceful slumber, warmed by Tajvek and the sun, and soothed by her dreams of soft kisses and gentle touches.
Anya was in a room surrounded by bolts of teal fabric. They hung in strips from the tall ceiling in a haphazard design and rippled in a breeze, the ends brushing across the stone floor. The sun illuminated the room—although she could not see the source—and it caused the material to glow, adding to the serenity of this place.
Holding her arms out from her side, Anya tipped her head back and closed her eyes, slowly twirling as the silky fabric caressed her skin. She laughed aloud at the sensation and then wrapped her arms around herself as she slowed the pace. When she opened her eyes, she gazed around with longing and began meandering through the maze, running her fingers against the bolts to watch how they swayed to and fro.
She let a piece be carried up by her arm and drift across before swinging back into place, and as it flowed through her sight, her eyes caught the movement of someone else. Curious, Anya stepped back and studied the wavering strips. She could vaguely make out the silhouette of a man through a teal veil far across the way, and only when the breeze caught the fabric and whipped it aside did she see who it was. Kael.
Her breath caught as she started for him, straining to keep him in her sights through the billowing fabric. But just when she thought she was positive of his location, all the glowing pieces of material would sway and her eye would catch him in another direction. Back and forth, she traversed the endless space, seeking what she wanted most and eager to hold what was once hers.
Anya finally spotted Kael, not so far from her, and she ran to him as he once again disappeared. She yanked the fabric back and there he was—his lips curving into an irresistible smile, and deep blue eyes beckoning her closer.
“Anya.” She heard him in her mind, his voice full of desire and devotion.
A sudden gust of wind pulled the material from her grasp, settling it between them once again. And when she tore it back, he was gone. Before she could call out for him, Anya felt a hand glide across her abdomen from behind. Leaning her head back, she moaned as fingers brushed below her breasts and continued along her arm and shoulder, tracing a trail across her soft skin. She twisted to embrace him, to press herself close and encourage his questing hands. And when she did, she was face-to-face with Lord Merivic.
Her breath caught in surprise as
his fingertips tickled a path up her neck and nestled in her hair. His soft hazel eyes gazed at her with a hunger she could not deny. And she melted against him, powerless against the heat of the passion he exuded and the knowledge consuming her: This was the man who wanted her.
He leaned in, touching his lips to hers with a light pressure. The kiss teased her senses and brought forth her needs as she sighed and curled her body around him. Pressing her mouth hard against his, she felt his hands travel down her side.
Another gust of wind came through and she felt the fabric caress their bodies, and then wrap tight, drawing them together. He felt so good against her body; sturdy and firm, safe and loving. His arms squeezed and his hands roamed as she pulled him into a deep kiss, their tongues building into a frenzied craving.
Nestling his face in her neck, Lord Merivic whispered her name, and then growled it as her hands rubbed down and across his backside, tugging him close. Caught up in her newfound yearnings, Anya spun them about, tangling them further into the fabric until it lifted them off their feet and wound them up, suspended in the air with Anya lying on top.
Her lips curved as she looked down at his astonished expression and ground her hips against him.
“Anya,” he breathed.
“Put your hands on me.”
She pulled at the fingers cradling her face and wrapped them around her breasts instead. “I need your hands on me.”
“Anya, wake up.”
She tipped her head in confusion a moment before she snapped awake.
“Anya?” Lord Merivic thought he saw a spark in her eyes indicating she was awake, but was not completely sure until they widened in shock.
She held perfectly still as she took in the scene—she was straddling his hips and pressing his palms against her breasts.
“Oh!” Anya released his hands and scrambled off him, her face ablaze in embarrassment. “My apologies, My Lord!”
She tucked her legs to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, burying her face against her knees.
Lord Merivic chuckled as he sat up and eased next to her, rubbing her back in comfort. “It is my fault. I could not resist kissing you as I came upon you sleeping. I should have realized you were not yet awake when you…advanced on me. But I did not until you rolled me over.”
Anya groaned as she continued hiding her face.
“Perhaps if I had not wanted to believe your desire for me, I may have come to the obvious conclusion sooner. But I must say” —he tugged lightly on a lock of hair as mirth crept into his tone—“I was quite enjoying myself.”
She issued a shaky laugh as she lifted her head. “Is that so?”
“Oh, yes.” He grinned in return and placed a hand to his chest. “Memories I will cherish always.”
A more natural laugh came out as she playfully tipped him over. “And I suppose you are now going to tell me that was the first time a woman ever threw herself at you.”
He sat up again with a smirk. “It was the first time an unconscious woman did.” He tipped his head as he appraised her. “Do you make it an everyday occurrence to sleep out here? I would be happy to oblige should you require someone to wake you up tomorrow.”
Anya tried to hold a glare against his teasing, but she could not resist the burst of giggles erupting from deep down. “Enough now.”
“Very well,” Lord Merivic conceded. He pulled his knees up into a similar position as Anya, resting his elbows on them as he hooked his hands together. “I apologize that it got so carried away. It was unfair to you.”
“I would not say unfair,” she replied wistfully, causing him to arch a brow. “It was a good dream.”
Lord Merivic groaned as he rubbed the back of his neck, quickly averting his gaze.
Anya giggled again, delighted she was able to put him off guard with her light comments, and aware once more of the influence she was coming to know as a woman.
She knocked her shoulder into his and let him off the hook by changing topics. “I thought I would not see you today.”
“I wanted to spend time with you so I altered my plans. Your father told me where he thought I would find you. And my heart nearly stopped when I did.”
Anya glanced at his expression to see if he was teasing again, but saw he was not.
“The tiger.”
“Oh!” Anya twisted to look for Tajvek, and spotted him watching from the branch of a tree.
“I believe he was embarrassed by our behavior and retreated.”
Anya laughed. “His name is Tajvek. He is a familiar of sorts—a guardian.”
“Yes, I eventually came to that conclusion. Your father had mentioned him in passing once, but I did not realize he was a seven hundred pound white tiger.” He shifted to get a better look at Tajvek. “How does it work? Does it mean he trusts me since he let me approach?”
“As long as I do not feel threatened, he does not view you as one.”
“I am glad you have such a creature to keep you safe.”
“I am as well. Although the one time I ever truly needed him, he could not help me—I was not wearing my amulet.”
“The alley,” Lord Merivic growled, his shoulders stiffening.
Anya laid a hand on his arm to ease him back. “Yes. But you were there in his stead.”
“I will forever be grateful for your actions that night.” She planted a soft kiss on his jaw.
Lord Merivic gathered her hand in his. “I am still ashamed you found yourself in such a predicament in the first place.”
“Do not be. It was not your fault.” She patted his hand and stared off at Liberwood Castle in the distance. “Lord Merivic—”
“Merivic,” he insisted. “Just Merivic.”
“No, I—”
“Anya, for months I have been asking this of you. And after the moment we just shared, you are hardly in a position to argue further.”
She giggled as he squeezed her hand with a sly expression. “All right. Merivic, then.”
“Hmm. If that is what it took to finally have you agree with me, I should have performed such a sacrifice long ago. I will need to keep that in mind the next time you refuse my wishes. I would be more than willing to suffer through another display.”
“Oh, I am sure you would.” She grinned before turning to the castle again.
“Was there something you wanted to ask of me?”
“I was wondering if you would mind telling me about your territory?”
Merivic followed her gaze to the grand building in the distance, and seemed to understand where her thoughts had drifted.
“The layout of my kingdom is actually quite different than Liberwood.”
“How so?”
“I live in the castle, of course, as well as some of my closest advisors—if they wish it. Those that do not, or have families of their own, live in a small community outside the castle walls, but still within the confines of the compound. Then, outside the compound walls, is the city itself with all the common folk.”
Anya’s brow furrowed as she tried to picture it in her head, and then imagined how Liberwood would be if laid out the same way.
Merivic noted her efforts and explained further by putting it into perspective. “If your father was Weapons Master of Decessus, he and his family, yourself included, would be living within the compound, under the protection of the sovereignty.”
“If the weapons master is unable to defend his own family, then perhaps he should not hold the title,” she pointed out.
“True enough. Though, it is more for peace of mind, so he may focus on his duties rather than succumb to fear of harm befalling those he loves.”
“And so your weapons master is a better warrior without the distraction?”
Merivic shrugged. “It has been proven in the past, but not with my subordinate. He has not yet taken a wife, so he has no family to speak of.”
“Why not?�
“He has been far too busy during these dangerous times. Perhaps soon, when everything calms, he will seek out a suitable wife and focus on starting a family.”
Anya felt pity for Merivic’s weapons master as she identified with him by his profession alone, and in comparison to her father. “Sounds lonely,” she murmured.
“He resides in the castle, and his quarters are not far from mine—for safety purposes. And I can assure you,” he stated with a wicked, teasing grin, “he is far from lonely. Of that, I am sure.”
Anya blushed with the suggestive comment, her eyes widening. “You can hear them?” she whispered, embarrassed to be discussing such a topic, but unable to help herself.
Merivic eased closer and lowered his voice to a conspiratorial tone. “They are not shy, nor particularly quiet, when enjoying each other’s company.”
Anya covered her mouth as she snickered and leaned against his side.
Merivic was enraptured by her innocent reaction, a direct contradiction to the sensual streak he now knew her to have. It was a beautiful mix of innocence and sexuality, and it left him feeling off balance, but both eager and anxious to discover the many layers she possessed.
“Come here,” he murmured, scooting her between his legs so she was leaning against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on her shoulder. “Is this all right with you?”
“Mmm.” Anya snuggled into his embrace. “I would have it no other way.”
They sat like that for quite awhile, comfortable in silence as they simply enjoyed the moment. Merivic trailed his fingertips lazily across her arms as they watched the sun sinking toward the ocean on the horizon. When the blazing orange orb touched the water, Anya thought she could nearly hear the sizzle.
Or perhaps it is me, she pondered as Merivic brushed his lips across her bare shoulder and up her neck, before skimming back down again.
“Hmm,” she hummed, leaning into his shoulder and exposing the length of her neck for his taking.
“I wish to talk to you about something.” He softly nipped, then kissed, the arch of her neck as he wrapped his arms tight. “I was going to wait, but I do not think I can anymore.”